This is my third attempt at writing a blog. Never really had much to write about and everytime called it a day just after thinking of a good headline for my blog. But this time I hv come a little ahead. I know that the first sentence at the top of this page is a bit pessimistic but when things are not so cool we are not left with too many options.
Never really thought that I would be seriously writing a blog bcoz of my “more important things” attitude but this time I feel quite determined to take up dis one coz its negativity all around. Only to inform you that I m preparing for CAT, never take it seriously coz I m also not able to take it seriously myself. Its been quite a long journey for me since the day I started thinking the “IIM way”. The mock test scores always fell below expectation and I had a new battle to fight with myself. The problem is that battle is still on and I m still confused.
“4 yrs of engineering life, loads of fun, tendency to dive into anything except academics” is how I describe my engg life. When things go your way you seldom stop and think abt it. U just let it keep going. But a feeling of not having done enough keeps hovering around. And suddenly the story of sour grapes come into our mind and we say “in engg life we learn how to live life and not learn academics”. Shit. Engineers always do find a way to contradict with what our conscience has to say.
Striking the positive chord, I m trying to get into the grove of whatever I m thinking I should have done. Its only a matter of time till I m able to accomplish some of them.
Well, words speak better than actions…:-D